resolutions 101


Here it is, the precipice of yet another "new year." Did your resolutions from this past year get carried out or left in the dust? A resolution is just another word for "habit." So many vow they will quit smoking, or lose weight/diet/exercise. And really, they do try. It's just that other stuff gets in the way.

How about those bad habits that also need a reality check? With two holiday parties down and one more to go before the year is actually over, how many of you made it through them without backstabbing another member of the family--present or not? Or were you sure to cut him or her down on the ride home (or during the clean-up process afterwards?) No one is perfect...I dare you to canvass the globe in search of that one perfect person. We all know that families and friends can be a pain...they have issues that we don't like or appreciate. However, does it make YOU a better person to run them into the ground? If you can't say it to their face, does it make you stronger person saying it when they aren't there to defend themselves? 

Then there is the competition. Aunt Mary brought a gift for the kiddos that seemed a bit least  to you. It was "just a book." Or it was "just a sweater." Those sentiments are not lost on our kids. "Just a book?" Why be grateful, right? "I wanted an iPad!" one ten year old screamed at her mother on a "funny video show" recently. Wow...really? with an attitude such as that, is it any wonder our kids are growing up to be spoiled brats? I have been there in the shoes of the "just a book" crowd. I witnessed when one two year old received books that talk if you plugged them into a console. The machine will "read to the child." What about bonding? What about snuggling up to an adult and getting lost in the comfort of a human voice? It made my gift of "just a book" seem so.....worthless, for lack of  a better word. It has been over a year and still no 'thank you' has been offered either. Ah, technology....Huge sigh.

What about showing gratitude for a gift? Writing a thank you note or even just telling the giver "thank you" goes so far also! A gift is just is not a mandatory offering but rather, something given out of love. Whether it is liked or not isn't the IS an offering of love! Somehow though, we have taken with the notion that if it is a holiday or a birthday, that we ought to be the recipient of SOMETHING...and if we don't get it or don't like it...well, see above paragraph about backstabbing.

This year, resolve to be grateful. Resolve to be loving. Resolve to SHOW kindness to another with no thought of a reward. Don't count the acts of kindness, just do them! Everyone loves a cheerful giver, so the saying goes. Let the words that flow from your mind and mouth be supportive. Don't gossip. Gossiping just stirs the pot of hate and hurt. Apologize if you were wrong. Forgive another if they apologize to you. What good does it do to harbor ill will? Look back into your past...if someone hurt you, just Rise above it. Show maturity. Live your life as if Jesus were standing right beside you--because in fact--He is. Why embarrass yourself in front of Him?


  1. wow! you said what I have wanted to say about giving gifts ...but then you also say I can't back stab another! thank you note...yet I have to bite my tongue? Maybe I'll just say it in person...see what happens next! No worries, I'll be tactful!

  2. Kids need to learn gratitude. As you pointed out, if they are handed every little thing they learn nothing but to keep asking for more! As for backstabbing, put yourselves in the shoes of the one you speak ill would you feel if it were YOU??? It is so childish to badmouth another. Grow up and move along!

  3. "Rise above it"...that is so true. I know a certain person needs to do this and do it DAILY! But that "person," you CAN do this....sure your ass has been kicked and more than once. You have gained and lost and lost some more. But God has given you that special someone to walk that road with RISE above it, my friend! and take special care of "her!"

  4. with social media even more prevalent than is so easy to just write garbage about others. I will pledge that this year I will be positive...if I can't say anything nice, I will say nothing at all!Live & let live!


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