that moment of self destruction--or redemption?

"you never get a second chance to make a first impression"

In every life there is that moment of self destruction. Admit it, you may have lead what you thought was a perfect life, but at some point, you crashed. You hit bottom, you felt as though you would never see "up" again.
So you sink deeper. And deeper. What the hell, right? you think, might as well just go down as far as you can because no one cares.
I know of many people who were like that. That one temptation that allows you to throw caution to the wind, and then...down...down...down, as the song goes...the ring of fire.
I was there myself about half a dozen years ago. Newly divorced, I had the freedom I had never experienced before. I hung out with people I normally would not have. What is it about being divorced that they seek you like a magnet? I did things that today I look back on and cringe. I hung out with people who I thought I could trust--and when they were done using me--or should I say, when I woke up and told myself that I would never be used again, was when that roller coaster ride finally stopped. I took stock of my surroundings, made a resolve that I was going to do better and with the grace of God---I did.
With the Grace of God--so important...because there are many who don't get that chance. Instead, their choices sadly end up taking their lives instead.
How many folks do you know who took that roller coaster ride and who also have said, "no more!" and yet--they were written off because of "what happened?" Instead of judging...why not use compassion? We all have taken that ride to some extent, what we don't need is for someone to keep pushing us down, back...away from the rest of us. Hold your hand out in love instead. Pure, non-judgmental love...and watch what happens next.

I did...and have been made all the better for it...because the one I told that the past is just that--the past--is the one who now holds me up everyday.
I am so glad that day arrived.

as for never having that second chance....grant someone a second chance today. You may be surprised at who you may find!


  1. I know of someone who tried to get off of drugs. His own parents told him "you made that bed, now lie in it!" He had no where else to go and committed suicide. Had his folks helped him, he may be alive today. Words and actions can save or break someone. Thanks for this posting.

  2. you hold so many people in high esteem. I hope that others treat you as well.


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