happy birthday to us all!

I was reading a magazine yesterday when it hit me that so many of the ads in it were related to women my age. Cosmetics, clothes, prescriptions. You can't get through a day without at least one commercial for either incontinence or erectile dysfunction...(sorry, but it is true! Too much information, for even me!) And to me, those people don't LOOK old....because I am now that age!

Ah, life, where did you go? It seems like just yesterday I was 11 years old and hunting for agates at a rock quarry near my house, my faithful collie, Jack, at my side. I was lost in books about dogs, I cried every time I watched "Born Free," and I thought I had forever.
Then came adulthood; kids, work, bills and life slipped by so quick. Kids grew up and are having kids of their own. I had health issues that, at age 40, had me looking into a tunnel and praying to see ten more years. I published books and fulfilled that dream of being a "someone."
I am now at the point where others my age don't admit it. But I will.
I am 50 years old today. I admit this because I didn't think I would make it this far. I take every day as the gift that it is. But shouldn't we all? When we are young, we think we are invincible, immortal...we can do anything, we have forever! Then life hits ya right between the eyes and you realize that we really don't have forever, we have what everyone else has: right now. Nothing in life is guaranteed, not even that stupid couch I bought last year! Even if you have been hit with a bad health diagnosis, don't allow the doctors to fool you! You have what I have and what everyone else has...you have TODAY and that is it!
So...on this, my birthday, I wish all of you well. May the peace of God fill your hearts with the joy of being in this moment. Go spread that joy to all that you meet!


  1. Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu,
    Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu,
    Happy Birrrrthday Dear Diane,
    Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu!

  2. Birthdays are another chance for us to live out our lives serving others more than we want to be served ourselves! May you have a wonderful, blessed day!

  3. Thank you Rev Baum for another year of life that you have been given...which you gave to me first. Does that make sense? I am grateful to you for your words which saved me and brought me back to my son. May you always be blessed!

  4. LOVE that reminder about health diagnoses. Doctors cannot see in your head...many don't realize the mind is stronger than any drug out there. If you think it...it will happen!


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