a blessing worth more than riches...


So many people lined up over a week ago to buy into a Powerball lottery, worth almost a half a BILLION dollars. So far, the winner from Florida has yet to step forward. I admit that both my husband  and I contributed to that person's wealth by buying some tickets also. It gave us that chance to dream of what we'd do if we won the Big One. I said I'd start a foundation to help those who needed that one small step up out of the situation they were in, to better themselves. I have a charity in mind who could use a good contribution that would set him up for a lifetime also. So many ideas....
Alas, I didn't win this one...although I played Bingo with my husband and inlaws this past weekend and won not just once, but twice in the same evening! I also received a cash settlement check for some "thing" my former credit card company was supposed to have done about five years ago, so between that and Bingo I was almost $400.00 ahead.
Ah, life.....we measure our worth by money. By things...stuff like houses, cars, boats, vacations...the list is endless!
How about if you measure your worth by what you do...who you are to someone else? I told my husband that I fell in love with him just because he didn't have anything fancy. No fancy house...or car...he had a twelve year old beater of a truck that I enjoyed tooling about in! We did simple things like walks in a park and strolling through a large mall, just looking and not buying. So many set store by material goods rather than the goodness of our souls and who we surround ourselves with. What if a storm or a fire took it all away...does that mean that your life is now over? Hmmm...think about that one.

Today I received wonderful news that my husband's uncle, who has cancer, has valiantly beaten it back! It was news that I had been praying for! Tears choked my throat as I called him and told him the good news...he was driving to North Dakota and I could also hear tears in his voice as well. To me, THIS is better than any old lottery, any win in Bingo...anything...because quite frankly, it is something that cannot be bought, or traded...it was given to all of us through the Grace of God!

Faith. When you are feeling down, Faith says to look up. Look up, my friend...see how good your life is...even if it's a cloudy day and your aches have the best of you, look up!!! Find the good in life...find the love in your soul and share it with all that you meet!!! God is in the small details.

Yes...I may never win that big payout....and that's ok. I will always have my Faith in God...and with Him, all is well in my world. In yours, also!
May His peace be with you!


  1. “We need never shout across the spaces to an absent God. He is nearer than our own soul, closer than our most secret thoughts”
    ― A.W. Tozer


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