you can be the solution against domestic abuse!

As an author, I feel compelled to take on issues that I otherwise wouldn't normally have the courage to even speak up about. But when the news in the last seven months has broadcast report after report of women dying at the hands of someone they thought they could love and trust forever, now is the time to speak up and out against domestic abuse.

Domestic abuse crosses all income levels, religions, creeds, colors and ages. It affects males as well as females, young to older and everyone in between. It has the same ingredients, however. Those involved in the abuse seek  power by control. The abuser belittles, suggesting that without him (or her) you are nothing, you have no value, thus destroying your self esteem and rendering you helpless. 
It begins slowly and escalates until the most dangerous time is when you have had enough and announce your departure. That is when you can be killed. The best thing to do is to plan your exit first. Seek a safe place, secure your finances, get a restraining order and an attorney, then GO! Do not look back! If not for yourself, think of your children who are also witnessing the you really want them to grow up thinking that this is normal behavior?

The best way to put an end to abusive behavior is to teach your children about empathy...about respect...about bullying and about self control. They must learn patience and that they will not always get what they want and they will not always have it their way and that when they do something to hurt another, that it is NOT acceptable! It is also said that how a child treats something weaker than they are is how they will learn to grow up. Thus to have a pet in the home that they must be responsible for, even if it's just to feed, or take outside and to play with...that is how they learn that with pain comes sadness. 

I have read the comments posted thus far and know that abuse is a huge problem. I can help, but it takes all of us to make our communities stronger. Get involved with who your neighbors are: if you see a need, be the strong person to solve it. If there is poverty, help fill the need. If there is joblessness, see what can be done to fill in the gaps. The stresses of life are tough enough...but when it seems as if there is no support is when those stresses come to a point of frustration. Feelings are acted out, words are said in anger. But when two or more are gathered...God is there, the burden is lifted, life will move forward.

I will always speak up and out about causes that I know we all will need help with at some point. You can be the ripple in the water that will make someone happier than they otherwise could be. Whether it be a thought, a word or a deed, what are you waiting for? Be a a hero! No effort is ever wasted...


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