whose "shoulder" do you lean on?

There are so many folks today who think that they can make it through Life dependent on no one...no deity, no religion, no assistance from those who have gone before us...and certainly not from anyone who does have this type of influence. However....in the Catholic church, there is a belief in the Communion of Saints...those who have gone before us and who will intercede on our behalf. All we need to do is to ask through prayer.

I can attest to this. It was back in 2008. I had hit bottom emotionally....this was after I had thought that I did not need God, the saints or Mary, the Mother of Jesus in my life anymore. I no longer had all the statues of Mary that I used to have...all except for ONE--my Pilgrim Virgin statue. I took that statue off of my dresser, cradled it and cried so hard as I begged her for forgiveness at my vanity...in thinking how I could handle life all by myself. Well....within days...my life turned around! In just SIX weeks, I wrote the book, "Walking in God's Shadow," and had it published and ready.....God was waiting for me...and it was the Blessed Mother who had interceded on my behalf!!

 There is a reason the 23rd Psalm is so popular...it is a plea, asking for peace to come into our lives, for calm to soothe our soul, for God to lead us because we have gone astray. Like the sheep that the psalmist was caring for, we too can lose our way and we NEED someone to guide us back. No matter how good we think we are...we can't see what lies ahead. For anyone to feel that "I got this," friend, you have another think coming!! Look at the conditions in the world today....countries trying to literally outdo the other with their might. Is this what pleases God...to see BILLIONS of dollars worth of monetary aid going to supply these war machines while billions of folks starve? I guarantee you, the devil is laughing at our naivete....and stupidity!

Today...look at how you live your life...do you rely only on yourself...or do you ask for intervention? What are you teaching your children about who they should also call upon in times of trouble....? In the words of Paul McCartney: "When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom...let it be!"


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