YOU have the power to change the YOU have that dream, too?

This is a reprint of a post from last year...I feel it is apt for today. May you be blessed!

Today marks the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s, "I Have a Dream" speech. Fifty years. One would think in that amount of time, two generations, in fact, that the attitudes of many towards people of different races would have changed. Even with the current president in the White House ( little pun...) it looks as if attitudes still have a long way to go.

The outrage of many communities in the US over the Zimmerman/Martin case have shown that there is compassion, and yet  the General Mills company broadcast of  a cereal commercial featuring a bi-racial young child drew outrage also...of a different kind...of a kind that I had thought we had outgrown back in the 1970's; the outrage that people of differing cultures are not "supposed" to be commingling together.
the infamous commercial as seen here:  
(click on the link, it will open in a new window)

So...what went wrong?

I am fifty years old. I also have a dream. I have a dream also of seeing peoples of all nations get along. I have a dream that one day I will not wake up and flip on the morning news and see nothing but hatred all over the world and even here in my own Twin Cities of Minnesota. I have a dream that people will not become upset over long grocery lines, of seeing homeless people begging, of seeing alcoholics and addicts die lonely and forgotten. I have a dream where all people will turn the other cheek and accept the hardships that life offers and accept them courageously. I have a dream that the phrase "minimum wage" will become obsolete, that employers will instead pay a "liveable wage," and do so gladly! I have a dream that the tears we cry are tears of joy and not of sorrow. I have a dream that hunger will be no more, that wars will become non-existent, that greed will be abolished and that politicians elected "by the people"will once again work  "for the people."

Friends...we are all one, made in the image and likeness of God. Of GOD! Omnipotent! Almighty! Why are we wasting our time arguing over who is the least or the best? "The least among you shall be exalted, while those who exalt themselves shall be made weak." It says so in Scripture!

Our time on this planet is limited and I do mean LIMITED! Global climate changes are happening quicker than we realize and denial is NOT a good state to be in. As the food chain is dissolved, so shall our lives as humans change. The dinosaurs are proof that sudden change has drastic results.

Today....look at how you can make change happen in your own communities. How can YOU be a force of change? Is it by recycling? Is it by feeding the hungry? Is it by smiling at someone who normally you would ignore? You have the power to change the world...yes..YOU!

So...what are YOU waiting for?


  1. This post made me cry! Oh God..I am so guilty of those things that you pointed out! Change is hard, but so is life. Today, I will change one thing about myself that I don't like. Tomorrow I will work on something else. I do know this: I want to be just like you!

  2. So true on so many levels. To just sit by while evil happens just makes us as guilty because we should know better. Great post!

  3. We can unite--or destruct. It's up to each of us what we want to do.

  4. To want peace, we must change what is in our hearts. We must let go of the "it's all about me!" mentality. Until we seek to do good FOR others...our own lives will be less than anything.


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