are you ready for a different road in Life?

Sometimes the darkest night, when you can't sleep for any number of reasons, is when the boogie monsters seem to come out of hiding and really torment us, even as adults. We toss, we turn, we pull the covers over our heads and when we just can't take it anymore, we get up in search of a snack.

Instead of getting all frustrated, ask yourself why you are afraid...what is happening in your life that has the monsters lurking in your sleep? For me, it is the chronic pain of my lupus/rheumatoid arthritis, as well as my husband's current jobless situation. The lack of a job can be handled by creative bookkeeping as well as searching for the odd job, but the pain I am powerless against.

Instead of counting the hours of missed sleep, I pray. I count my blessings, I think of others who have it so much worse than I do. I turn over and see my husband's sleeping form and give thanks for his love, his companionship and know that, in him, I have a friend forever. Two days ago, with the last few dollars in his pocket, he bought me a pink rose. I was so touched. You see, when we first met, I had let slip that I had never been given flowers...not at all. Oh, it wasn't a big thing, just something I said in passing. One day, I stopped at his apartment on my way home from work. I sat and discussed all of the events that had taken place that morning, so excited, that it wasn't until about ten minutes later that I looked down at the coffee table. There, in a small bud vase, was a single stemmed rose. I stopped, utterly speechless, then I looked at him. Taped to the vase was a simple note: "I love you, Princess." I cried. You see, he was unemployed then, too, and this was such a sacrifice.

Since then, God provided him with a truck driving job, during which time he would bring me a single rose every Saturday night, when his work week had ended. After five years, however, it is time for a change. The fact that my husband's blood pressure is so high  and wouldn't have been discovered had he not lost his job, had he not found another one and needed a physical to qualify for it, would have been certain disaster. His reading was 190/130!!!! So, he is on medicines that will help to regulate it, giving him time to reassess. Is the stress of driving truck through all types of weather, hours of the night and day and road conditions worth his health? Maybe not. Perhaps not. Most definitely not! So...we move down a different road. A road filled with uncertainty and boogie monsters that lurk in the shadows of what should be peaceful slumber. Which brings me back to the rose. A small, but for me, profound statement of love. Once again, I cried.

Life for some of us, can seem so cruel. We lose something so dear to us and for us, the world is not the same. I urge you to look around you though. Maybe God has taken somethign from you to GIVE YOU SOMETHING BETTER! I prayed often, asking God, why did our lives change? Why the loss of a job? Now I see why---then I prayed for another truck driving position to manifest itself. Well, it did, but only to show why maybe it is just not a good idea any longer. You see, when you pray, you can't TELL God what to do, or TELL Him how to act. He can see the future--we cannot. So maybe it is better to say, "Thy will be done...." and leave it that that! Even this reverend needed that reminder and for that--I am so grateful that God puts up with me.
I am also so grateful that my dear, sweet hubby puts up with me!

Thanks be to God... Listen below to the most beautiful song I have heard....just click on the link!

Bette Midler's "The Rose"


  1. this one is dedicated to my husband...rob. I love you!

  2. have a love like yours...I am so jealous!

  3. I love that you write about your life. You are the same as the rest of us and you are not afraid to say it!

  4. Hmmm...changes. We lost our home due to the fires in Montana, but it is ok, we can rebuild, We still have each other and the kids, the dog and the bunny are safe and for me, that is what counts most. We lost someone so dear to us last year and maybe this is what WE needed, to move on, as the memories we had in our other house was so hard to bear. I had saved this post to my computer and just came across it again today. Why today, of all days? Thank God, he knows more than we do what we need. May you and your rob be blessed, Rev Baum!


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