here...take my hand!


I read the above caption and thought about it. It seems that what we pray for, we not only expect right now but in the way that we want it to be, regardless of how it may turn out later on. For someone who may be praying that a relationship restores itself, they cannot see into a future that may look pretty murky and unsettled to God. To someone who is trying to feed a family and has no income from a job, it looks desperate. To someone who is feeling less than worthy, they may pray for God to end their life because they may have lost hope. For them to wake up the next day is tantamount to catastrophe!

I read a comment from a gal who had replied, "I just wish that God could move this mountain!" Friend, I say if there is a mountain that needs moving, YOU have the power to move it! YOU! Why wait on God...."if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can tell that mountain to move and so shall it be done!" (Matthew 17:20 and Luke 17:6). This takes us to the saying that God helps those...who help THEMSELVES! If you are seeking a job, what are you doing to find it? If you settle for something just to bring home a paycheck, how is that helping your psyche, let alone the attitudes of the family who lives with you? Being perpetually unhappy is not the way to live out your life. If it is a relationship issue, look inside of you to see why you need to hang onto it. Maybe it is destructive to you. Love can be truly blind, after all. Perhaps down the road that person will do more harm to you than good. It may even be detrimental to others around you to have that relationship. We need to surround ourselves with people who bring out the good in us, so that we can spread that good to others! Do you see my point? Life is a series of steps. One leads to another. If there is a crack or break in that step, it can surely trip you up, leading to some permanent damage. Look up that staircase of Life and choose your steps wisely, thus you fall.

Today...have faith that all will be well. Wake up with the attitude that you have what it takes to make your life bitter...or better.
I choose about you?

 Even when we’re lonely, depressed, confused, without hope, angry or scared, we can dig deep and find the courage and strength to take one small step. And one small step is all it takes to move us towards safer ground. Here, take my hand.


  1. I read this today on Godwinks and wanted to share:

    “When my husband and I were going through a TREMENDOUSLY DIFFICULT TIME in our marriage, both feeling we didn’t love each other, I heard God TELL ME to LOVE HIM.

    I said, ‘I don’t feel like I love him.’

    God replied: ‘I didn’t ask you, I told you, LOVE him.’

    So I did.

    We recovered, and are doing great because of God. Thirty-two years and counting!”

    Sometimes you don't leave them, you just need to find a different way!

  2. I was in a relationship with a guy whop was married. I prayed he would leave his wife. She seemed to be making him so sad and I had all the answers, right? I could make him happy. As it turned out, he stayed with her. HA! Who became unhappy? me! Then I realized that he had used get back at her. He had no intention at all of leaving her, he was just trying to get her to see what she had in him. In my opinion, she should have realized that what she had was a lying, cheating scum. There it was: my answer! I also had a lying cheating scumbag! Why would I want that? He would probably also have cheated on me. I am in a happy relationship now...and can't imagine why I would have settled for less than this! God DID know better!

    1. smarter and wiser--and been thereSeptember 4, 2013 at 5:51 AM

      Anyone who cheats on his or her spouse is a scumbag. Anyone who knowingly cheats WITH someone like that is just as guilty. Just be glad you saw it when you did...and don't worry about her reaction...she lives everyday not with joy that she "won" her husband back...but that he just may DO IT AGAIN!

  3. Sometimes depression is so deep that its all one can do to raise their head in the morning. But it's as you said...just one step at a time. I have been dealing with bi-polar for three years now and believe me, some days I just want to hide!


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