October= Domestic Violence Awareness month

So...what are YOU doing about it? Call 1-877-988-5559 if you need help.

 I wrote a book, "50 to Life," published in June of this year. It details the horrors of what women go through, as told through painful testimony of one who was there. I have been told by all who have read it that they cannot get past chapter five, as it is so hard to take. Yes, it is...but to have lived that life is horrendous also.
Do you know of someone who is going through this? What do you do? Do you stay silent...or think, "wow, how dumb, just get out if it is so bad!" My friends, one doesn't just "get out" of that situation. For those who do manage to make it out, they worry about the ex stalking them. Or maybe in the process of getting out, they are murdered. If they stay, they can be beaten so bad they are either killed or maimed for life...or else they just feel hopeless, as if Life can never be any better than what they are living, so they stay. or they convince themselves that it was something they did wrong and they will just have to try again harder next time to make things right.

My advice: YOU NEVER HAVE DONE ANYTHING WRONG...YOU ARE JUST IN A BAD SITUATION! Get out...please, I implore you...there are resources out there to help you! You do NOT have to be abused, you have dome nothing wrong! You are strong! You are wise! You are important! You have the courage needed to change your life, yes! You DO!

If you know of someone in this situation, please be a friend, don't walk away! If you hear something, say something! If you know of a friend or neighbor who is getting hurt, call police IMMEDIATELY! I know it is a diffcult subject...I am aware of the dangers and how maybe you don't want to invite trouble. But someone needs to take a stand...when will it happen, before...or after the funeral!

Please be the eyes and ears of courage and hep those who are too weak to help themselves.
Be a lifesaver!

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. Statistics say it WILL affect you or a loved one. Don't ignore signs. It WILL get worse if you don't stop it at the first sign, and it will be with you your whole life. Get what you need during AND AFTER domestic abuse.


  1. We are so afraid of getting involved..."it's none of my business," yet we cringe when we hear that someone died due to our not acting on it! It is so hard to talk about!

  2. Thank you for your comments. If it can save at least one life, it is well worth it!

  3. If just one prson is saved by reading this, you have done your job well. Thank you!


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