late night meanderings


Human beings cannot consume all of the world's resources as the rapid pace that we currently are and expect things to last forever. I look at the Beijing sky and see nothing but air pollution. I look to the sea and there are krill dying in record numbers. Krill feed whales, seals and many other forms of sea life. I look to the forests and they are disappearing at a rapid pace, to make room for farm land. Trees are a valuable resource for transpiration, which is the oxygen/carbon dioxide tradeoff that keeps us all breathing. Trees also provide for the rain that we get. To remove all of them will turn many areas into dry desert regions.

I see so many acts of cruelty against animals. Record numbers of animals are dying either directly or indirectly at our hands. Polar bears will soon have no ice floes in which to travel to acquire food. Lions are being poached in record numbers, as are Siberian tigers, rhinos and elephants. Orangutans are also being killed, again to make way for forests to become farmland.

When will it stop?

In China, the fur trade is a huge business. Dogs, cats, rabbits, raccoons...anything with fur is being skinned, many of these while still alive, their bodies then tossed into a heap to die a painful, merciless death. I have witnessed videos of one segment, a skinned dog looks at the camera in so much obvious pain, I literally threw up after viewing the horrors of man's inhumanity to something weaker than himself.

God made man to be in dominion over animals. Not to hurt them, but to care for them. Man was put in charge of the land, to use it's resources, not to abuse them. Our waters are being polluted daily, our air...the two very essences of our survival may soon disappear--then what?

We are spending vast amounts of money to investigate Mars. Why not look closer at our own planet? Why is greed...the wanting of more and bigger and better...taking over from common sense?
Will it be too late--or will common sense once again take over? Or will we just become like the dinosaurs--extinct?

These were just some of the things that were going through my mind as I tried to fall asleep last night. I hope that if more things such as this go through more minds...maybe our earth can heal. I sure hope so.


  1. I could say that this is all a fallacy or at the very least the ramblings of an exhausted mind. But if one looks at the acts, the Arctic is losing ice at a rapid pace, polar bears are starving, forests are being cut at a aster rate now than ever and on it goes. Yes, we will be extinct in many three generations...the earth will be very different by 2100, that's for sure.

    1. 3 Generations? Boy! Are You an optimist!!

    2. Better to be an optimist than a pessimist!


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