Oh, those resolutions that we make in the new year!

Here we are once again...another new year. And the promises that we make ourselves! "I'll lose weight! I'll skip chocolate! I'll skip a rope! I'll skip up and down the street! " and on it goes.
Then there are the resolutions that we make concerning our spending habits, our clutter habits, our exercise habits...and on it goes.

How many of you make a resolution that involves another person? I ask this because I saw a post on Facebook today, about how someone committed suicide. I do not know the details surrounding this; suffice it to say that suicide is always a sad/bad/catastrophic event. One can never know what brings people to their knees and then, to want to end their life as a relief from the agony they may feel. It is a very dark, very lonely place. I have been drawn to that place myself a few times. Thank God for my guardian angel....I was brought back. It is a lonely road nonetheless.

Back to those resolutions. How about this year you kick that scale aside? Instead, phone a friend. Talk to someone whom you may not always engage in conversation. We have so much technology available to us: Skype. Twitter. Facebook. Instagram. Then there's the old fashioned "go see them, invite them out to coffee" thing. Nothing can take the place of a warm hug. Nothing says "I love you" like a walk together. And if involves letting them cry on your shoulder--BONUS! We all need that release from time to time.

Jesus made sure to make time for His friends. In fact, He even admonished us all that "there is no greater gift, than to lay down one's life for a friend." In many cases, you can lay down an afternoon to catch up on old times and make new memories.

How is that for a resolution?


  1. Happy new year to you Reverend Baum and to your rob! I can honestly say that this year is better by far than what I was facing over a year ago. One day at a time, that is how I live. Again, I give thanks to you for your words. They mean so much to this ol' bugger! Amen!

  2. You are so right! How many times do we say, "I'll call him tomorrow!" and then tomorrow never comes! To you it may be a small thing but to someone else, it may be the ONLY thing they have to look forward to!


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