when LOVE is your "religion"

"oh my...I have said this for years.....so much division today and why? It is over "religion," more specifically, whose "rules" are the "right" ones. Maybe if we remember what Jesus taught...and He wasn't wrong...he was the Way, the Truth and the Life...how can that be wrong???? Why do so many religions need any more rules than to love God and love your neighbor? I just don't get it!!!!!" ~ a comment posted on Facebook.

When Jesus arrived and began His ministry, He did not beat upon His chest and yell out, "I am BETTER than you because I am Almighty!" No, He showed by example that the exalted shall be the weak ones, while the weak shall be exalted. He told us stories about the Prodigal Son, the good Samaritan and more. His family was facing persecution from the Romans who were in control of his homeland at the time and of course, his family fled from Herod's wrath. Jesus knew exactly what He was talking about! Love one another, love your enemies, love God above all. He didn't add any stipulatuions about "unless they are colored, then you can love them less." He didn't say that "unless they believe as you do, walk like you, speak like you, then you can love them more." He did not separate based on color, and especially, not by gender. Note how many times He spoke to women, which was not accepted in that time. Women were nothing more than property to men. Yet here was Jesus, validating them! And don't even get me started on how he handled the condemnation of the woman caught in adultery! Oh my! Such Scandal!!! Yet He simply told her that her sins were forgiven! FORGIVEN! He didn't brand her with a Scarlet A...He merely sent her on her way.

Today, think about who you place in a category and your treatment of them. Why do you feel that you need to do this? Make that conscious effort to reach out in word, deed or thought. Peace in the world...what a concept! And YOU have what it takes to make it happen!


  1. Right on...and if more folks would realize this, the better off we'd be!

  2. My neighbor, who was a Jehovah's witness, died last week. His "religion" wouldn't allow for anyone who was not a JW to go to the funeral. That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard! Why cut yourself off from others if as they believe, they are the "right religion?" They do this with so many other things, too. In fact, you don't even see obituaries when they die. It's weird!!!

    1. Pastor Vicky BehrensFebruary 20, 2014 at 3:28 AM

      They are more cult than religion..all the more reason to not cut them off but to be charitable towards them. The Amish also keep to themselves. We can only appreciate them, reserve judgment and continue on in life. Good for you though, that you took an interest in your neighbor!


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