God is always in the details...I promise!!

 Maya Angelou and her Christian faith: "If God loves me, what is it I can't do?"

When I stop and see where I am today, I am amazed. About 10 months ago, I couldn't see the good through all of the pain that my husband and I were dealt with. I panicked, I mean, full blown panic mode. I paced, fretted, grieved, worried, feared....
...and what I should have done, that is, until the big Hand of God smote me to wake me up, was to see how He was in the details all along!

Not that God wanted for us to be displaced, oh no. But in all things, He takes the bad and turns it into something good. All we need to do is be still, and know that He is God! Be patient, always seek Him...everything that you have read about in the Bible, everything you may have seen  or heard is true! God does not abandon the weak...it is when we are weak that He makes us stronger!

I sit here in my cute little "office," actually just a part of the living room that kind of is an extension of a wall. I can see the outside just by looking up from my computer. I hear the cry of the mourning doves, I know a train is coming by the long and short whistles...and when I take my dogs out for walks and the morning bells ring at the nearby church, I stop and say a thank you to God, for bringing me here to all of this. "God's country" I had told my husband. "Why would anyone even want to leave this sweet small town? It is truly God's country!" We were having a picnic on the banks of a small river. Overhead, two bald eagles circled. Not one hundred yards away was a cornfield. No other sounds could be heard...except the beating of my heart. One can think out here! I sometimes keep telling myself, "this is all real!" and yet....that small doubt creeps into my head, "when will the other shoe fall?" That is when I rebuke the devil, telling him to go away! Why would God lead me to this if it would all disappear?

The moral of my almost year long journey is this: even though things happen that are beyond our control, we need to remember that God is ALWAYS in control! Something that even a reverend has to keep reminding herself about, just as I keep reminding you. Let go...let God. If He asked you to step out of your boat of pain and come walk on the water, do it. Keep your eyes on Him, not on the "what if's..." He will never fail you!


  1. Sometimes the pain of our lives is so strong that we can barely lift our heads up. Yet we need to remember God is there. Hard to believe but true.

  2. alliegiurrrllll67May 30, 2014 at 4:40 AM

    and thank YOU Rev Baum, for not giving up on those that society sees as "less than." You just never know how loved you are!


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