have you ever had an "a-ha!" moment?

 God said: You are always close to Me, as close as close can be. Only in the world can it seem to you that We are closer or further apart. How you feel makes all the difference in the world to your life. Of course, if you feel abandoned, that doesn’t feel good. It feels much better when you sense Our closeness. Even if you don’t believe in Me, and you doubt Me, don’t think well of Me, would there not be something for you to gain in coming closer to Me?

Scripture: “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

Have you ever prayed for something and after many days of asking...and waiting, you give up? "I can't hear you Lord!" you grumble. "Where is Your answer?"
Well, maybe your answer came and you just didn't get it!
Were you even listening?
To listen for God's answer means to wait, to stop, to really take a good look around you. The answer is sometimes found in the silence of your day. It can be within the sounds of birds, within the voice of a stranger, even within your own heart. You just were too busy to pay attention. It is similar to when someone close to you tries to communicate with you. If you are so busy that you are not fully tuned in, whatever was said can go right over your head. You missed the message!

Jesus often went into the mountains to pray. He also went there for peace, quiet and to listen. Because all of the praying isn't going to do you any good if you don't listen. Answers don't always come from a burning bush, or to see someone walk on water. Sometimes it is found in the "a-ha!" moments of our heart.
I had an "a-ha!" moment late last year. I was trying to push my husband into going back into a career that he plainly no longer enjoyed doing. His blood pressure was through the roof. Indeed, had he not lost his other job and been required to have a physical to obtain a new job, it would have never been caught.
The "a-ha!" moment.
And it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was walking my dogs early one morning. As usual, I peppered God with my whines of "why aren't you answering me?" when it hit me: didn't I need to leave the same job several years before for the same reason, a health issue? Yet here I was, pushing him to continue doing what he no longer could do...and why?!

Wow! I became all giddy with joy. There was my answer! It radically changed the outlook of how our lives would be going...and the rest, as they say, is history. In just a short time, doors opened, windows appeared and we are in a place now that I never would have--or could have-- seen had I not just shut up and let God have the control and tell me, "look lady, you think you got this, but I'm here to say, you don't!" I just smile sometimes at these moments of naivete in my life. And I am grateful for the many "a-ha!" moments that allow me to see that I am never alone...God is here.

The next time you try to force a situation, look for that "a-ha!" moment. Thinking that you radically need to change your life and why doesn't God listen, could mean that you are supposed to stay put...even if it's just, "for now." Why rush God? He has no concept of time or space. It will happen when it is meant to happen. And when it does....look out!


  1. I think about how we met...through this blog and I feel blessed. This is MY "a-ha!" moment!

  2. This is an ah ha moment. God is in control. Thank you!


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