do the ends really justify the means?

"These days, in our materialistic culture, many people are led to believe that money is the ultimate source of happiness. Consequently, when they don’t have enough of it they feel let down. Therefore, it is important to let people know that they have the source of contentment and happiness within themselves, and that it is related to nurturing our natural inner values." ~Dalai Lama

I watch the news and cringe when I see reports of conflicts and war across our globe. I look into the hatred filled eyes of the terrorists responsible for the turmoil and I wonder, "where does all of that hate come from?" Who teaches them to hate? Who teaches them to kill at all costs, even to their own life? What greed motivates them to want to own as much land as possible, to control oil fields, croplands and food caches?

I think we are seeing evil in it's purest form-Satan is having his day of "glory," isn't he?  Since Jesus came into our world, He promised that He WOULD return and this time, everything that has plagued mankind would finally cease. Since then, people look for reasons to assume that God's imminent arrival is at hand.

God never did put a timeline on His second return. Remember, to Him, time is but a blink of His eye. Suffice it to say that what plagued mankind 2,000 years ago continues, although on a much larger scale. Homeless people number in the millions globally, if you take into account the refugees of the many wars, especially in the mid-east regions. Even in our own country of plenty, we have homeless among us. We have poor, disabled, those who work two and three jobs and still don't have enough for basic survival, we have our addicts, our alcoholics, our hungry...the list is endless. We also have CEO's of major companies whose annual BONUS is MORE than what some people make in a lifetime. The disparity is causing even more conflict between those who have and have not.

Clearly, although these things have always occurred, they are occurring with more frequency. Is it safe to say that the Second Coming is imminent?

I see the signs and although I pray for peace, I don't focus on the tragedy of current events so much as what I can do to mitigate them.

Does this make sense to you?

Instead of consuming and wanting and hoarding and storing up material goods, I share from what I have. There are those who would say that does nothing to stimulate an already weak economy. But really, look at what our landfills are full of. Do you REALLY need the latest gadget fresh off of QVC? i-Phone five? Seriously...what was wrong with number four? Do you get the point? Why want...want...want...when so many don't even have the basics?

Today, look outside of your comfort zone. Instead of buying yet another pair of shoes...see who doesn't even have ONE pair of shoes. Is your cupboard full of food?  There are many that sit empty. Have extra time on your hands? Who in your neighborhood can use an extra pair of run an errand or take them to an appointment...the list of GOOD that you can do is abundant.

Yes, instead of focusing on tragedy in our world, roll up your sleeves and DO something about it! Don't allow hatred to that hate that love will win. Repeat after me: "Love WILL win!"


  1. Its said make sure you don't lose the moon while counting the stars? You already lost not only the moon, you lost the sun, galaxy and universe. Let it go because some things cannot be returned on earth.

  2. When you look at the greed of the companies that refuse to allow America to become less dependent on oil, or Monsanto to quit destroying our food supplies with pesticides...when people realize that to be loved, one must become lovable is when we will have peace in our world. When corruption and greed go bye bye....oh wait, that is just a dream. My bad.


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