a tale of a demon kitty....and of finding Jesus!
![Christmas kitten](http://www.dailycuteness.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/kitten.jpg)
I have a kitten, or should I say, a most lively kitten, named Miss Snuggles. Miss Snuggles was once a "barn cat," who found her way into our home and heart just because of her cuteness. She would snuggle up and snooze next to any willing person who would sit for the requisite time, allowing her the chance to nap. We would admire her....making sure to get in a few "awwwwww, isn't that so sweeeeet?" remarks and life was good.
She is now about half grown. She can be a little demon cat! She knocks things over, she will take things and run off with them. I have found things in places that I wouldn't have dreamed: toys in my bed, things floating in the toilet where she has dropped them, under the refrigerator there is a mound of bottle caps that she loves to carry around and push there, then wait for someone to have pity on her and fish them out. Oh yes, she can be a monster!
But we love her just the same.
I set out my Nativity two weeks ago on a wide window ledge. I spent over two hours creating this scene , complete with garland and lights around this window. There it all was, as pretty as a postcard.
Enter demon kitty!
I noticed the manger on the floor, along with a donkey and the Mother of Jesus! As I put things back, I noticed...where was Jesus? Oh my, the baby had been kidnapped...by one rogue kitty, I was sure of it! I looked high and low, I felt a near panic...oh! I had hoped that baby wasn't floating in the toilet, lost under the refrigerator or worse, dropped in the garbage can, another trick she learned to do. High, low and sideways I searched, until finally...aHA! I found him, hidden under the couch. Sigh of relief!
I set the scene back up with admonishments to demon kitty to leave it ALONE! So far...so good!
How about you? This was just a Nativity set, but in real life, do we go searching for Jesus when we feel as though we are all alone? What lengths would you go through to find Him, to put Him back where He belongs? Would you give up right away or keep searching?
Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. ~ Luke 15:3-7
Sometimes we put up so many defenses, make so many excuses, live on so many justifications as to why Jesus doesn't belong in our world. Jesus would search forever for you, yet when He finds you...why is the door shut, locked, maybe even barricaded? Why not let Him in?
It could be also that maybe someone in search of Jesus needs to find Him in you? Have you ever thought of this? How can you be Jesus for someone today? Jesus can't be everywhere...that is why we must all be like Him, love as He does, show compassion towards all. The news is so full of those who think that to turn tail and seek revenge through hurtful rioting is the answer. But to return vengeance for vengeance...who really suffers?
"Happy are those who strive for peace—they shall be called sons and daughters of God." Matthew 5:9
Christmas is the season of peace, or so the pretty little cards tell us. Be a peaceful person...be Jesus for someone who may be looking for Him. The search goes on....are you the one who can fill the missing pieces in someone's life today?
This column post should be repeated...it needs to be repeated....so cute and yet...isn't it interesting how God uses simple animals to make a point...to inspire?