share your love with others!

Two months ago, I had written a post about a gratitude jar. A jar in which you daily write little notes of affirmation to another or about another, then tuck it in the jar for later reading and sharing.
I also made one. In it, I would place written thoughts on little bits of paper about how wonderful it is to be with my husband. Of how grateful I am for what he does for me. At first, it seemed hard, not that he isn't a wonderful person, but for me, to pick out the small things out of the every day things...well, where does one begin?

Today, that jar is getting full. It is becoming even easier to be grateful for the many things that he does, to SEE who he is in my life. I cannot wait for the day for him to read it...for us to share it....yes...THAT day...

Then yesterday I learned some very sad news. Another friend of mine who I had worked with died suddenly in his sleep. He wasn't that old, had a wife, three children, a happy life. Taken too soon from a life well lived, how is this fair, I asked God in my tear-filled prayers, pleas actually, as I lay in bed, crying my heart out last night. How is it that the good seem to die young while others live their lives tormenting others? Again, just as I did last summer with another tragic death of someone I had known, I stormed heaven with the "what if's" and the "whys" of our existence.

My mind went back to my gratitude jar. It sure has made my marriage even stronger, though it wasn't in any trouble to begin with. To come up with the many blessings of who my husband is has transported me to a whole new level. I have learned that his snoring does NOT really bother me at all! I have learned that his drool on his pillow cover is really OK! In the night, I reach out and gently pat the bed, reassuring myself that he is there...and a couple of nights ago, when he laughed out loud in his sleep, I awoke with a smile! My buddy, my friend, my teammate, my hero. He is all that and more. He is God's gift to me. Those notes of appreciation have shown me this. They have made me realize that it is the small things in life that I truly am grateful for. This morning, as I awoke, I looked at his feet hanging over the bed, the covers askew, and again I gave thanks to God for another beautiful day. I am so truly blessed.

So, back to the gratitude jar. Gratitude is an amazing thing...just amazing! So why am I saving all of those tidbits for a set "day" when he can see them? As I always tell you in these posts, TODAY is the ONLY day that we have! Tomorrow is not a given. Those who are waking up today in mourning over the loss of their father, their brother/son/nephew and especially, their life partner...know this all too well. Did his wife have a gratitude jar also, even if it was just admiration kept within her thoughts? Did he know how special he was to so many? I am sure he did. He was so well loved in his life for the many kind things that he did for others.

Gratitude is a wonderful thing. If having a jar...or a notebook, or whatever you use to keep track of how special someone is to you helps you to feel more appreciative, then by all means, have it! But....also be sure to SHARE that love, that gratitude, those feelings of being blessed with the ones who merit it! Don't wait for any set "day" to do so. I have also always said, that to stand by a cold piece of granite saying the words is not the same as telling that person face to face and receiving the warm feelings of knowing that you both have been truly blessed.
Nothing compares to it.

So...what are YOU waiting for?
May you have a peace-filled day.


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