how do you present yourself?

Social media can be a reliable or unreliable as a person wants it to be. There are those who create scam accounts and then post information meant to be realistic when in fact, it is not. There are those also who post real information, but they take it a step too far. In their haste to broadcast information, they may adopt an "it's my way or the highway!" attitude. How can that foster any goodwill at all, I ask you?

Case in point: Facebook. Facebook was originally created as a way for college students to keep in touch with one another. Since its inception in 2009, it has become a billion dollar industry for its creator as well as any and all who buy ads on the site. It also has been known to create much drama/havoc/pain among those who use it. My attitude has always been, if you wish to air dirty laundry, maybe you ought to think twice before posting it for all to see. How many times have you looked at a post and thought, "is this meant to be for me?" only because it's cryptic message-and not always a good one at that-- is just inflammatory.

In this age of digital electronics, social media is a good way to "make disciples of all nations." In fact, it can be and is a very good way to inspire others. But it also can be a weapon. I have seen many posts about being pro-life. To spread the word about being pro-life can be a good thing, but there are many who will wield this as a weapon, informing any and all that if they don't also adopt this stance, they will surely burn in hell. Or threats are made, going so far as to destroy another's home, business, friendship, etc.

I don't think that Jesus, if He were here, would approve of any of that. He did not go into various communities with that approach at all. In fact, he admonished to his disciples that if a town refused to listen, they were to shake the dust off that town from their feet and move on. Note that He did NOT say, "but set fire to it before you leave!" (Matthew 10:14; see also Mark 6:11) Yet this is the very attitude that many people will adopt! Instead of spreading a message that contains words of love, it becomes a message tainted with condemnation, guilt and unapologetic acts of malice. Look at the riots that are taking place in various communities--citizens up in arms, in their zeal to prove a point,  have literally set towns on fire and displaced many who own homes and businesses.

To be Christ-like means living as Jesus taught us to. If you want to prove to another that being a certain way is what is best, then let your actions speak for you as well as your words. To say one thing, then do another proves that you are no better than those whom you are trying to convince! Are you pro-life? Then show it! Do you wish to see peace on earth? Then act peaceable! "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons and daughters of God!" (Matthew 5:9) Being a peacemaker does NOT include making rants on social media, it does NOT include rioting in a community to be heard, it does NOT include slanderous words, thoughts or actions of any kind or sort. Why would one wish to be like that in the first place?

In today's world, it is so easy to want to be the one with the biggest voice. So be it...but be a voice of Love. Be a person of character. Be the one who wants...who truly wants... to be an example of what Faith, Love and Hope are all about! Be the one....will you take that choice? Will you live it out in your daily life?

May you have a blessed day!


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