on this day, be grateful

It was said on the radio today that a survey was taken and that those who felt gratitude in their lives were able to then want to help others so that they, too would feel grateful.

I thought about that, first of all thinking who would do "a study" or survey about this, as well as "this is such a common sense idea, why do we need to be reminded of it?"

Take a look around you, though. Joy. Grace. Love. How many of these things do you see daily? Our world is so sad right now; wildfires in the very dry western half of the country and floods from hurricanes in the eastern half. Right now, there isn't a whole lot to be joyful about. "I have just lost everything. There went my life!" Am I right?

When I divorced, way back when, I too, lost everything. Not just the physical stuff, like dishes, some knick knacks that were mistaken for other things, then misplaced etc., no, I am talking about losing my very real sense of self. I married very young, so I didn't have that chance at freedom that so many do have the opportunity to explore. I jumped from high school to married! just like that. At age 42, now being "free," I did some pretty stupid stuff, got into some pretty real issues that required help from above and then, told God, "I can do this myself!" Well, that got me into even more issues, as even my guardian angel took a vacay! Whew! Once I was in as deep as I could go, it took God a while to answer my pleas. I had to figure it out. Much like a parent with a child of their own...how to learn a life lesson? Figure it out. But God was always there, I just didn't see Him until I was now ready.

It's the same with all of us...and when the light goes back ON over our heads, I would hope that you have felt the same gratitude that I did then and still do. That we are cared for and loved by One higher than us. We are never alone. Not ever!

A friend of my husband passed away suddenly, just a couple of weeks after he retired from a long-standing job. Oh my, he bragged for a few weeks beforehand on social media of how he was so anxious to retire, to spend time in leisure.
Then, just as quickly, he died.

My husband was heart-broken. What this friend did for him way back when HE was down and out, my husband will always feel that sense of gratitude towards him. And then, in an instant, it was gone, but the memory remains.

Take time today to feel gratitude, to be gracious towards all. Just as with my husband's friend, we never will know when our time is up. Have you ever told someone how much they mean to you? Have you done a good deed for a neighbor...said a kind word to someone who just needs that hint of kindness?

We don't know what baggage others may carry. There have been times when I haven't even known how hard a day a friend of mine was having, but I DID feel that "nudge" to "call her." "Hug him." "Say 'I love you.'"

Oh, look, Thanksgiving is just a few days away this year! Find something to be grateful for and then, share it with others! You may never know, you could be their hero in disguise!

May you be blessed today--and every day!


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