rainbows after a storm

In the beginning, so says the book of Genesis, God created the heavens and the earth and it was good. Of course it was good, God does not make junk. Then Eve sinned and everything kind of went bad after that. It was the deceit of an evil spirit as well as the temptation that they could have MORE that caused the downfall.

There it is in a nutshell. Deceit mixed with greed. They had it all, but were offered to have even more....if they wanted it.
Since then, the world has known nothing but pain, misery, wars, famines, illness and death.

I was thinking this today, pondering an episode of "Little House on the Prairie" on TV. In that episode, because someone began drinking to excess yet again, he lost everything: his wife, his children, a dear friend's trust and almost...himself. He was ready to give up and give in. Then, it took the unconditional love of the title character, Laura, to help him over his hump and set himself to right. Yet one last temptation to drink was set before him. Instead, he sought out God...and with all sincerity, prayed to be heard, helped and healed of his addiction.

I can't say that they all lived happily ever after. I am the wife of an alcoholic. I know better. There is no "happily ever after." There is only the here and now. It isn't just the drinker who lives with the temptation and evilness of drinking on a day to day basis. There are also the ones around that person, the ones who watch, who worry and who pray. "Thy will be done," I plead with God. I also wrestle with the temptation of maybe this being THE day when I should just give it all up and walk away. It would be so EASY.....but it would change nothing. The drinking might continue and in the end, the devil himself would laugh....he would laugh because not only did he destroy one life because of drinking, but he also just took another.....due to the intolerance of the situation.

Drinking is so greedy, isn't it? The URGE to want more...more...MORE...until the person passes out.The deceit the drinker deals with, "this is the last drink--I promise..." and after a fifth of whatever is in that bottle, decides, "what the hell, in for a penny, in for a pound!" and keeps at it. I have heard from so many people who tell me that it is not "one day at a time" for them. Sometimes, it is just getting through that next minute that can make or break their sobriety. I cannot imagine the pain they must deal with...but I do know of my own...and it hurts. Very much so.

What we can do is to pray. Pray as if our lives depend on it, for surely, it does. Rebuke the devil in the Name of Jesus! I use the prayer of St. Michael:
St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen...

Jesus died for our sins. He loved the world so much that he gave up His life so that we may have life--everlasting! He did not say, "oh wait, you there, because you drink too much and you hurt your wife, children, family, you are EXCLUDED from this deal!" Nor did he say "only perfect people need apply." This gift of Himself was offered to ALL of us....all we need to do is to ask for His unconditional love to enter our lives.

Are you feeling pain? Call upon Jesus! Are you at the end of your rope? Make a knot, hang on...and call upon Jesus! Think He doesn't know what you are up against? Think again! Evil, by whatever name you call it, has already been conquered by Jesus...for He rose again on the third day! Evil knows it's time is short and so, is taking as many followers of Jesus away as it possibly can. You have it within you to be strong. You know you do! Just because the news is full of pain, sorrow, anger, wars, murders, etc....does not mean that there is no hope left. The news doesn't report about "hope" per se, it thrives on doom and gloom. Same with our personal lives. What seems like doom can actually be a catalyst for change. There are always rainbows after a storm. The sun is always there behind a cloud. And God is always there.....no matter what befalls you. I promise.


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