life...don't let it slip away!

Abortion. A "right" added as an amendment to the Constitution, it grants women the choice to terminate a pregnancy. Democrats in the past two years have made sure this right extends up until the moment of birth. Yes, that "Gerber baby" moment, when everyone looks at this adorable child and gasps in pleasure. There are those who use terms, such as, "health care," or "reproductive rights." They color it so pretty so that many women who are at that confused and perhaps, frightened time in their lives, will agree that this is "the best thing for them right now!"

You can sit on the fence and tell me women are entitled to this "choice," after all, the highest document in the land says so!

I am here to say that there are OTHER choices. Abortion must not be one of them. It is murdering a potential life. For everyone who was and is aghast at the murders happening in our nation today, why are those murders so wrong, yet taking the life of the unborn is somehow...right?

And if you try to convince someone who is "pro-choice" this, they will look you in the eye and tell you how WRONG you are!

Satan comes to us in many forms. Just look around you, you can see how this is put into play. That slippery slope we have been on for the last 30 years is becoming more inclined and more people are falling in it and quickly going down. On the way, they are meeting up with many other people and ideas, ideas which are being spoon fed to them, making it seem as if this is just part of the ride they signed up for. It's "OK," they are convinced, enjoy yourself!  It's the scenery of this so called vacation from hell.

Only it is not ok, it is not all right, it is not normal, it has no common sense, it is the slope that will eventually bring you to hell. Believe it.

But there are those, such as the Hollywood celebrities, the politicians among others, who scream at you how people like me are mistaken. Oh my friend, it is just as with the serpent in Eve's time, telling her that, quite contrary to what God told her, the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge IS not only good enough for her, it is BETTER than what God told her! "God is MISTAKEN! You will become LIKE HIM, knowing the difference between good...and evil." I mean, who could resist THAT?

The first lie led to the pain we are suffering through now.

Politicians who hide behind the mantle of the Catholic Church, swear up and down they are in line with God and then say, "abortion is a CHOICE"...remind you of the earlier scene with Eve? When former Notre Dame football coach, Lou Holtz looked the camera in the eye at the Republican National Convention and said that abortion is wrong and that the candidate who endorsed it is also wrong, even the university denied his words! The University of Notre Dame...the Golden Dome, Touchdown Jesus, (as they call the image on the side of the building facing the football field) and so much more tradition, has lost all of my trust. Instead of rallying to Holtz's words, they moved away from them. They who have the platform of instructing nations, instead chose to stand on that fence, wobbly as it is. I will add the link so that you can read it for yourself. Suffice it to say, my respect and trust in them is shattered. It mentions how we are not to judge another's inner thoughts, yet think about it: when a person stands up and announces to the world that abortion is a right...what does that say about their heart? 

If I had to choose between the highest office in the nation and slander God...or to step down and honor Christ, I know where I would be.

Where are you?

"For he who saves his life will lose it, but he who loses his life, for my sake will have it!" Jesus said this and apparently, it must be important, as it is recorded in ALL FOUR GOSPELS. Someone was paying attention!

Listen to me! Climb up from the pit of temptation and know that life on this earth, with its killings, lies, embezzlement, corruption, greed, lust, sex and more, is short. Very short. Which side of the fence are YOU on? Make the choice to be on the side where Jesus will come to get you. Prayer, discernment and more are the guides you need to make the right choice, the choice that matters. me...that choice does NOT involve the killing of unborn children---or anyone!

Lou Holtz at the RNC


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