who are you on social media?


Last week, I received a somewhat cryptic message through Facebook that said, "this is a secular website and the overwhelming majority of us would like to keep it that way. There many many places that welcome a free-flowing expression of religious views."

I gave it some thought, wondering which post I had commented on and after awhile, gave up.

You see, I always speak of Christian things, of God, Jesus and more. It wasn't a sloppy "praise the Lord!" thing--though in itself, that is not sloppy! But I am sure that I spoke from my heart and someone didn't like it.

Hmmm...oh well, right?

 Do you just speak out about God-like things, or is there that random thought of, "what will THEY think/say/do about that comment?"

Don't be fearful! You are here to serve God, not humans and sadly, with all that is happening in our country and world, someone will always take offense at something. Would you rather they take offense with something dirty and sinister or with words of love that please God?

"Narrow is the road to heaven and few are the ones finding it." Matthew 7:14

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one to enter heaven." Mark 10:25

So you see, following the ways of Jesus is not a popularity contest. You won't be given a blue ribbon or a pat on the head. Following Jesus can be messy, scary, hurtful and more. But remember, God is with you, He will always be your guide. 

“Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens” (Psalm 68:19). When you get serious with God…when you get real honest and pour out your soul to Him, He will faithfully replace your empty with the fullness of His peace, whether he removes your burdens or allows them to remain.

Don’t doubt it for a minute, friend.

Jesus himself said, “All things are possible with God” (Mark 10:27). Let’s each take courage and approach God with confidence today, knowing that He loves us and is able to do exceedingly and abundantly beyond what we can ask for or imagine. Spend some time pouring out your soul to Him right now.


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