Facebook...curse or blessing?

"what are you receiving from the Word and standing on its promise?"

Were you as traumatized yesterday, as I am sure many in the world were, when social media Facebook, as well as Instagram went down? Many have told me, since it came back on, how they rely on it just to take a break, others to keep up with friends and family, for me, my business is on there, so I am constantly posting. My small community relies on it as well, to spread the news of what is going on in our town.

I use it also to do the work of the One who sent me: God! "Go therefore, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!"

I have an obligation, as do you, to use this social media platform for good. It breaks my heart when I see people disrespect others on it, with memes that do more harm than good. Since my husband passed away, there are several pages in which widows like myself gather with prayers, with rants, with tears of sorrow as well as happiness. I need that! As I told a friend of mine, I have maybe six phone numbers of friends in my contact list. The rest are all people I converse with through Facebook and Messenger. I felt...lost.

All of that being said...it is well and good that we have this available to us. BUT--how about another source of knowledge that is also available to us...been around since, well, the day of Moses...but it becoming more of an article that collects dust than is being used. I am referring to Scripture. Is your Bible dusty? Do you even have one? In this age of so much technology, you don't need a physical Bible, as they are avilable online, in audio form, you can access it through the PC, a cell phone, a smart tablet...so many resources now in which to HEAR and SEE the Word! Yet how much easier it is to look at memes than to take time from your day to strengthen your mind with good, solid instruction!

It is easy enough to say, "I'm Christian!" Kind of like when you go thte dentist and tell them, "yeah, I floss...every day? Well...ok, maybe once or twice a week...OK...it's been AWHILE! sheesh!" then you flounce in your seat, feeling somewhat vindicated because that roll of floss IS sitting on your sink, right? I mean, you at least acknowledge you have it!

I can look at a sunrise and appreciate God. I can hear a baby laugh and appreciate God. I can witness to a tragedy...and see God. In tragedy, God is there. God doesn't take you to the valley of the shadow of death, but you can bet He will lead you through it, He will carry you through hard times ("Footprints in the Sand" comes to mind.) But how do you know this unless you have a close, personal relationship with him? Kind of like seeing Aunt Sue once a year and expecting her to know every intimate detail of your life. It's just not going to happen. 

Today, be thankful for all that God has given to you! You have a voice, use it! You have words, say them! You have opportunity, use it! We are the hands and feet of Jesus in this sad world. You can't take care of all of it, but you sure can make an effort right where you are...to help another be the best they can be.



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