Get your business right with God!

 Daily inspiration: Every day at 5 pm, Chaz Lauder on Praise Live radio has a "five at 5" theme, in which callers can speak with him about what is on their hearts at that time. I find this so inspirational, as I get to hear many stories, some which have made me cry, other times, I get cheer that person on. It is only when we allow God into our hearts that we will see progress in our lives.

It got me to thinking earlier today, how we can do this, too. You don't have to go on the radio to share your story, but maybe, by day's end, think about your day. What cheered you, what upset you, what made you think and how did you react? Turn off all secular sources of interference and just "be still and know that I am God!"
So this morning, what was on my heart is what is happening in the Mid East. It is hard to see the many reports of brutality happening there. It got me to thinking about past history...when Herod demanded that all baby boys under age two be slaughtered and when the first Passover occurred, again, firstborn boys were killed. The Holocaust. Slavery in America. I can go on, but if you press hard enough, you can see that humanity has had its share of sadness, sorrow and pain.
People speculate if THIS is now the end times. I wonder, because Nazi Germany was bad. Stalin's gulags were bad. All of our wars were bad. 9/11 was bad. Pearl Harbor was bad. Is this truly the "end times?" Prophecy would have us thinking so. Whether it is or not, we need to be ready.
Get your business right with God!
God hasn't told us the hour or day and it's maybe a good thing. You remember being a teenager, mom and dad gone for the night or weekend and so, "party hearty!" was the resounding cry, knowing when the folks were coming back home, so you'd make sure there was no evidence of said hell-raising?
You can't fool God like that! He knows what is truly in our hearts. He can read our minds. What point is it then, if we "party hearty," and, knowing the arrival of Jesus, we clean up and act as if we were so pious and holy all along?
That is not who God wants us to be!
Get your business right with God!
Because it may be today, it may be next week, it may be 100 years from now. "You mean I have to behave THAT LONG?" If that is your attitude...have you made yourself ready at all? Examine your conscience. How can you live out YOUR life as Jesus instructed us to? That is your starting point right there.
A man questioned Jesus, "what can I do to inherit the kingdom of God?" and Jesus told him, "give up all you have and come, follow Me."
The man went away sad, because in his heart, he wasn't prepared to do that.
Get your business right with God!
We no longer know how much time we have, but with events unfolding as they are...the time is closer than you think!
Have a blessed day ❤ amen


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