a tale of two aunts

always, always, give thanks to God for sunrises and more--for sunsets...because you never know when you will see another one!

This is a story of my two aunts, Betty and Louise. They were fraternal twins who did pretty much everything together. They got married at the same time to boys they met in the next town over. They each had kids right away and while Betty moved to Washington state to settle, Louise moved to Illinois, in a suburb of Chicago and raised her family there. It was in 1979 that Louise was diagnosed with breast cancer. She did everything she could to fight it and her sister offered so much support during this time. In 1983, Betty passed out at a Moose Lodge luncheon and was rushed to the hospital. It was then that she was found to have breast cancer also...it had spread throughout her body without her even knowing it...and she passed away almost three months later. Meanwhile, Louise kept up her brave fight until she too, passed away in late 1984.  
I ponder often who had the bigger load: Louise, who knew of her battle and fought it, getting sicker and weaker from the chemo, or Betty who blithely went about life, living it fully until months before she died. Such is this Catch-22 scenario.
I bring this up because of the diagnosis I received of cancer. I will fight it...meanwhile I struggle with guilt at the (potential) thought if leaving my loved ones behind to pick up the pieces. I DO have the time NOW to, in the words of a Tim McGraw song, "Live Like I was Dying." Or is it better to be like Betty...or anyone for whom death quickly summons them from all they love? No chances to say goodbye...or allow others that last chance at reconciliation or a final "I love you..."
So...here is my question for you...and please-- not only THINK about it---but ACT on it as well. How would you want it? A quick passing...or the opportunity to say and do all that you had meant to, but never allowed yourself to? See, people...this is what I meant all along...never take a day for granted! say and do everything as if today was your last day!! If you never heard it, Nickelback had a song by that title...if today was your last day, what would you do?
Think about it...and listen to this while you do....



  1. I just came across your blogsite and have to admit, you go places not many do. Most folks who have blogs just detail their kids or whatever, you take us to places that can be uncomfortable, yet we need to know this stuff happens. Thanks for sharing.


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