RIP Thomas Kinkade

 Thomas Kinkade's last painting........

If you haven't heard the news by now, revered painter Thomas Kinkade has passed away. His inspirational paintings have stirred many hearts and he will, I am certain, be deeply missed. One detail I did note when I saw his obituary on MSN was the headline, "Relapsed into Alcoholism." Yet the article continued of how the man, nicknamed the "Painter of Light," died in his sleep of natural causes." So why was it even imperative to note that he battled alcoholism? Does that fact make him seem any less to the audience who loved his paintings? Sure, the article went on to note the many issues that seemed to dog him over the last few years, but why couldn't it have shed a positive spin on his life?

Why does the media thrive on pessimism...and why does the public lap it up?

This sums up what I have been maintaining all along. We should NOT be defined by titles, but rather by the works we have done, the good we have performed and the lives we have touched for the better. Why point that finger of JUDGMENT over a life whose sole purpose was to make another's life a bit more happy? So he was an did that make him any different from you and I? How did it diminish his life? I tell you this--it did NOT! If anything, it has made him more human. He had his problems, just as we all do. The fact that as he was sucked under them, he hid in the way so many others have--in the bottom of  a bottle, just means that the elevated status that is given all "celebrities" can be so unfair. These people are set up for a fall, and when it happens, boy...we are so quick to lay blame. We do it to complete strangers, we do it to family and friends and don't you dare deny it! Deep inside, you know you too, thrive on seeing another take a hit. "Serves them right!" you think!

Hmm... Why does anyone deserve a hell like that? Do you? Well then, they don't either.

Today, start a new way of thinking. Do it by contemplating Thomas's works. It's easy, just go to Google images and type his name in the search bar. You will be treated to some very fine work. See what he was trying to say with the strokes of his brush. Then, find someone with whom you have judged and seek forgiveness. I know its hard, but with practice, it gets easier. In time, you will no longer have this need to watch another fail. Because like Thomas, you will love the intricacies of life too much to want that for anyone.


  1. I Googled and oh my---so many beautiful prints! He had amazing talents and like Vincent Van Gogh, life closed in on're right, who ARE we to judge? Thank you for your wonderful post!

  2. I have to admit that I have never heard of Kinkade--until your posting. I also Googled and was amazed at his many works! I also MSN'd and saw the report of his passing and like you, Rev, feel that his memory was vilified by his brother's admission of the alcoholism that may have claimed this man's life. Now maybe it wasn't meant to be mean, but what else will people think, right? As you said, does it matter? He had tremendous talent, so what doe sit matter that he was somehow less than "perfect?' You know, over the last few months I have read and reread rob's comments and realize that "perfection" is a state of mind, depending on what folks can tolerate. Like you, Rev. You tolerate rob and all his foibles, yet you love and respect him despite that. I am sure many also respected Kinkade--then this little "news flash" it the fan what? I myself feel that petty trivia such as this should not change who he was. Or who anyone is. We are what we are. Accept and grow, or go away. But don't belittle us for what we do. Walk in our shoes and you will know what I mean.

  3. I want to meet this "rob" that so many have commented about!!! he sounds like a true winner! I say that because I am an alcoholic who has had a tough journey but I am doing it day by we all should. Yet I fail, I fall and I get back up. I just found this blog today but read back quite a ways...this is just amazing how you, rev, can tell a tale and keep it fresh and inspirational. Please don't stop...we need you in OUR corner!


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