how do you perceive others?

would you be caught by others helping someone such as this...or do you walk away, embarrassed to be seen doing so? "For whatsoever you do for others, you do for Me!" ~Jesus

I have a song going through me head lately, a line says, "love your curves and all your edges, love your perfect imperfections..."
It is so beautiful and it made me think of those who are, to me, perfect. In fact, how can they be imperfect if, to me, I see nothing but beauty?

Something to think about indeed! In today's society, where people diet themselves sick because they see nothing but fat, where women feel tied to a make-up bag and mirror, where "selfies" rule social media, God forbid if we have any blemishes! Let's hide those flaws we think make us unworthy to be around other people, right?

When I was in school, I always sought out those who were by themselves. It didn't take long for me to wonder why they weren't liked by others, as to me, they were perfect! Caring, supportive and more, we had fun and shared many happy times.

So what exactly is the definition of "perfect?" Is it those clothes, that car you drive? How about working your life away just to have that "something" that makes you seem better than others in the eyes of all whom you may meet?

When I first met my husband, he had nothing. An old beater of a pickup truck, no job due to the economy, but was trying every day to find one, few possessions but a heart as big as anything! I fell in love almost immediately. He had nothing to impress me with materially and that was OK by me! I had met so many others who arrogantly showed off their possessions. What they lacked was a sincere joy in just being who they were. To hold up anything else as a measure of your worth only lasts as long as that job, that car, the huge house or bank account will allow.

 As Scripture says, "rust and moth" will soon take over, rendering that prize useless. You can't take "it" with you, whatever that "it" may be. But your character? Now there is a treasure that you should maintain. That is your ticket to heaven. As the saying goes, "it does not matter how big your house was, what car you drove, what job you had or the size of your bank account. What mattered is who you were to a child (or to anyone, actually!)

The rest of that song says, "all of me, I give my all to you..." MY all...everything I have is yours, the good and the bad. Will you love another unconditionally, as the song says? How do you perceive others?


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