God lives inside each of us....

Everyone is in arrears because our president said it is time we open the churches.
You can stop yelling now. Just because a door is open, do you really feel that you HAVE TO use it?

Remember, the days of the early Church, when the Apostles hid in fear of the Romans, there were small "churches" everywhere. Look in the New Testament. See those chapters? Letters to the Ephesians, the Corinthians, and more. Letters from Timothy, from Paul....they were writing to various communities. There were NO cathedrals, no centers of worship other than right there within their own homes.

Jesus said, "where two or three are gathered, there I am, in the midst of them!"
Imagine that! Somehow, over time, churches (buildings) were established that people, then even more people could congregate in. Then came tithing, giving to the Lord from the best of what you had. Except that man-made rules were established, then plenary indulgences, whereby you were told you could "buy your way into heaven if you did XYZ." God looks into your HEART, not your BANK ACCOUNT! Think about it, if we followed that line of thinking, would homeless people not be allowed into heaven because they have no way to tithe, no way to get to a church service? God loves these people more, these are the "least of these" He told us to minister to. The church is NOT the BUILDING...it is the PEOPLE....we tend to forget that!
Friends...we can go back to the days of the early church. We have the power of the internet, we can take part in services, in saying the rosary and more, just with the click of a button.

If you feel "unsafe" by being surrounded by others, all is well. You will not die in a fiery blast by making sure you are safe. God needs you to continue His ministry and you can still inspire people by being RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!

Be kind, stay safe, stay healthy! You are so loved....so very, very loved!


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