righteous anger DOES have its place!

When Jesus purged the temple at Jerusalem - Deseret News

"The ends justify the means." It would seem we are living through yet another revolution, wouldn't you say? When properties can be looted and burned down, when people can be killed for no reason other than just being alive and born the wrong skin color, when babies can be aborted and children bought and sold as sex slaves, all for the perverse pleasure of seeing others who are weaker suffer.....
oh my God...what have we come to? That slippery slope has brought us to THIS?

ifest Destiny also comes to mind. Anyone remember THIS from your history lessons? Take what you want, just because it's there. Doesn't matter if it is yours or not. Doesn't matter if someone else worked hard for it. Doesn't matter about anything except that YOU want it, you MUST have it and now...it's yours.

You say black lives matter. What I am seeing in the news are black people along with white people crying for what they had and is now lost. Be it lives, be it property, be it family members, jobs, income and more...it is PEOPLE who are hurting. That black man who owned a small shoe shine shop in the ghetto is now broke, jobless, and soon, may be homeless. He has a family to feed and cannot provide for them because his business is now gone. But you say this "war" that is being waged is justified! You say lives mean more than property! What you don't see is how the two are intertwined. We work to feel needed. We need to work. The two go together and now, when one has been rent asunder, the other is no longer applicable.

Today, I urge everyone to stop. Take a breath. Look around you... you can be angry! Jesus was angry. Jesus showed His anger by tipping over tables in the Temple when the money-changers used it for commerce, but He did NOT DESTROY THE TEMPLE ITSELF!

If you going to get mad, get mad, but do it for all the right reasons! Work for change, work for social justice. Don't take away what may be another person's only avenue to survive.


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