how much do you value Life?


      "God created life...and saw that it was good..."

Regarding SCOTUS and the abortion issue:

Seriously...this world has fallen into such a deep pit of SIN, they can't even identify it anymore, but God forbid, I point it out. Oh, how I got ripped into yesterday on Facebook about my stand on being pro-life. And...I smiled. I smiled because when we die, we will stand before God. He will look at us and ask, "what did you do for the least of these?" Somehow, sticking up for the right of a person who wants to murder an innocent life won't cut it.

"What did you do for the least of these?"

I am not an abortion fanatic...burning clinics, screaming in the streets...I am pro-LIFE. Life that began from the moment of conception until death...hopefully at an old and advanced age.

I watched my own husband die. He fought so hard, so valiantly! I have miscarried two babies myself. I watched my parents die. I was there when my father in law literally dropped dead before me. I have fought cancer myself. I am living with Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. I fully understand the concepts of life and death.

How can any of you say that you are a churchgoing person, but feel that women can just make that choice to terminate a life? How can you say that you will pray that Roe V Wade isn't overturned? How can you justify that God will hear those prayers, scratch His beard and think, "wow, so...I was WRONG all these millennia-I guess women DO have rights, and killing off what I thought was a good idea is actually, a GOOD IDEA! I am SO on board with this!"


Have you ever once thought how murder is evil...and of how the Deceiver who tempted Jesus in the desert is the same one who now is putting the idea in people's minds that what God created is in fact, no good, thus it must be terminated? Does this sound like deja vu, maybe...hmmm, Eve being told that by eating of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, she would in fact, be LIKE God...knowing good from evil? Yes? No?

The many excuses I have heard, when one thinks now of the medical advances we have, just do not do those excuses any justice. Placenta previa was one. Many babies are saved, as is the mother. Even now, many TV medical shows prove that, so that excuse is no longer valid. A Fallopian tube pregnancy, also known as ectopic, IS a valid reason, as the egg is stuck and the tube will explode, causing death for the woman, so that one IS justified. All of the other excuses are just reasons to terminate due to inconvenience on the part of the woman. I have heard that "foster homes are FULL of babies no one wants!" I have heard terms such as, "ripping away the rights from women to terminate a pregnancy!" That one came from our own Speaker, Nancy Pelosi.

Well, she doesn't speak for me and when I received an e-mail yesterday from her camp, I told them implicitly my views on that one. "Ripping away?" But yet nothing was mention that an abortion rips a baby away from it's mother.

In the days ahead...I encourage us all to think long and hard on the gift we all have been given--the gift of life. God created Life and "saw that it was good." It says so in the book of Genesis. He "saw that it was good."

Why do people believe otherwise?


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